The new statistic from the WHO states that 41% of deaths of children in India are because of a lack of road transportation safety – the highest in the world. When parents think about it, they tend to get a bit more concerned as they should.
Parents of children riding on school buses with NeoTrack GPS tracker app can breathe a bit easier. That’s because these fleets are equipped with components that make the bus safer – in addition to increasing convenience, accountability, and economic savings. Here’s are the key things one need to know about school bus GPS:
Sending a child to school by bus can be nerve wracking for parents. After all, they don’t know if their child boarded the bus, was safe on it and reached school, let alone if he found the right bus to come home. School bus GPS can help bring peace of mind to parents. RFID or smartcard readers can be installed in school bus doorways so that the bus can keep track of exactly where every child is at all times. Parents can now know if the bus is running late, minimizing the time children have to wait at bus stops.
Close circuit television cameras (CCTVs) and live webcams can monitor and transmit the safety of the bus and its children on-board at all times, to parents and the schools. This deters bullying and misbehaviour by children, attendants and drivers, and allows well-wishers and authorities to keep a close watch on potential criminals or predators who might be on the bus, or may try to get on the bus with children on board.
And finally, GPS tracking can help protect children from being abducted. Since cases of missing children are on the rise, utilizing tracking technology to help keep children safe is a benefit to both school officials and parents. A good GPS tracking device can confirm whether a child was on an assigned bus and if they got off the bus. Knowing that a child is on their assigned bus and traveling to the right location provides assurance to parents and can help police in the event that the child was not where they were supposed to be.
With school bus GPS, you can see in real-time if any student has boarded or exited the bus. Did the child get picked up this morning? Was he dropped off at his assigned stop? Which students are on Bus no.4 right now? All of these questions can be answered with the Student Attendance solution. NeoTrack allows school authorities to know precisely which students were on the bus at the time of an accident or incident.